Join Daniel Gutierrez for his only sacred trip in the U.S. this year!

Can't make the dates? Check out two other Philosophers Camps.

Cultivate Radical Mindfulness & Restore Your Soul

at the Philosophers Camp with Daniel Gutierrez & Christine Powers

August 22-26, 2019

Held on a 100-acre private retreat in the Adirondack Mountains of New York

Whether you’re a healer, coach, business leader, or simply looking to explore radical mindfulness and uncover your inner wisdom, the Philosophers Camp welcomes you! 

Daniel Gutierrez, America's premier inspirational travel leader, and Christine Powers, founder of the epic Philosophers Camp, invite you to join them for an intimate journey into the heart and soul of YOU.

My heart says yes! 

Register me now!

What awaits you is unlike anything else.

From the moment they met, Daniel Gutierrez and Christine Powers have witnessed the deep resonance in their missions. With the potent alchemy of their gifts blended, Daniel & Christine are creating an extraordinary journey of transformation.  

They have created this special Philosophers Camp to serve those who are ready to embody their true essence and uplift the world. 

By the end of this journey...

You are restored in body and soul. You have laughed until you cried. Created new relationships. You understand what it means to be radically mindful at home, work, in your mission, in all your life. 

Intuition guides your steps, and lingering temptations to "play small" evaporate. You are confident in creating the life you desire and you understand the gift you are to those in your life, as well as those beyond your knowing. 

Since you have put yourself FIRST and lead by example, you can now truly inspire others. You know how to retreat into the wildness within you and walk in nature anytime, anywhere, nourishing yourself.

This fruits of this journey will touch your family, colleagues, clients, communities, and all of humanity in the years to come.

Christine & Daniel Bury Despacho Bundle

Christine and Daniel bury the Despacho bundle in the heart of the Philosophers Compass, a new medicine wheel for our time. This work opened a vortex creating a bridge "where Eagle and Condor" energies meet, and connected the heart of this land with the heart of the holy city of Kashi, India.

Compass Facing the North

Standing at the top of the mountain during sacred ceremony, your shoulders drop and your heart opens as the sun warms you. You cannot quite tell if you are seeing ten or eleven layers of mountains. Your energy merges into the vortex where "Condor and Eagle" meet — a place that embodies both South American and North American indigenous wisdom traditions. Notes from Daniel's flute swirl on the breeze, Christine's voice calms your soul. Energy spirals up your spine, stretching and soaring into the sky as your heart thrums with joy. You fully exhale…  

A surge of knowing courses through you as you prepare to enter the Philosophers Compass. Goosebumps race up your arms as your breath quickens. You see the path laid out before you. You know the master within you is emerging. In a miraculous instant, your old, tired ways of being melt away and a feeling of freedom washes over you.  

As you proclaim who you are, you understand at your core that the giants who walked these mountains are walking with you now. You feel this act of power ripple outward. You have the feeling that life will never quite be the same. 

The Philosophers Camp has led you home. 

Teresa de Grosbois

Teresa de Grosbois, Founder of the Evolutionary Business Council, International Speaker and the #1 International Bestselling Author of Mass Influence.

"Philosophers Camp is simply a spa for the soul. A beautiful way to connect with other high-powered people in a space where you gain greater clarity on your mission in life. Christine Powers is a master at creating sacred and sublime experiences that accelerate transformation. Daniel Gutierrez and Christine together? Be prepared to widen and deepen your energetic capacity to impact our world.... profoundly."

The Amazing New Glampshire, Our Base Camp

Walk the forest, climb the ridges. Peer across mountain vistas for over 100 miles. Fall asleep to the sounds of Kibby Creek. Slip out for a star bath and glimpse the wonder of the Milky Way. Awaken to the sounds and smells of a camp breakfast. 

New Glampshire image

The setting nourishes your spirit as you delight in the energies that the mountain offers. Our expert team is known for the care they offer to every camper. Throughout your time, you are pampered with little, er, goodies. (We can't tell you what, it's a surprise!)  

August is a glorious time to be in the Adirondacks. Sunshine floods the land, flowers and herbs are all around, the evening air is fragrant and cool, and storms are something to be relished. 

Perfect Puffy Cloud

Up a dirt road that winds and climbs through thick forest lies the Mountain Retreat at Kibby Creek, where time seems to stretch and bend. Scattered across the spacious and vibrant lands are accomodations that range from private tents and the stunning New Glampshire compound, to the renovated Grey House and even a tiny home. Whether "glamping" or in a house, everyone sleeps in regular beds with smooth linens and puffy pillows, fresh flowers, heat, and electricity. Our Camp team lovingly creates a one-of-a-kind rustic, yet luxurious, experience

Here there are modern conveniences, but no modern annoyances – and one is regulary visited by profound experiences.  

You’ll experience the finest hospitality – whether you wish to sip a French-pressed iced coffee or hot Japanese twig tea on the patio overlooking the Western Ridge, journal in an Adirondack chair with chimes gently blowing, take a walk to the historic Red School House, explore the Rock Farm, sketch by one of the Beaver Ponds, or exchange deep sharings by a crackling campfire that glows day and night. Or perhaps you'll slip away and nap in a hammock tucked in a grove of shimmering trees. 

This is the perfect sanctuary to unplug and reconnect to the most vital places within you.  

You'll remember what it’s like to actually slow down and enjoy life. Nestled into this mountain retreat, you’ll recharge and relax until our next adventure begins.

I'm in! 

Secure my spot!

Meals Made with Love

Be prepared for your mouth to water in anticipation of each and every meal. Breakfasts are in the Grey House, lunches together or packed for the trail, and dinner is a family-style celebration. Abundant snacks are available 24/7. The skill and love poured into each bite is palpable. Chefs who know how to create wonders in an outback setting cook for us and devise sumptuous menus.

Food on Grill

Mealtime is an experience in and of itself. All your senses will be delighted by the smells and sounds while our food is prepared, combined with the company of new friendships and perfectly spiced sweet and savory dishes featuring vegetables, eggs, cheeses, yogurts, breads, jams, meats, nuts -- the best of what is grown locally, curated by our team.

Can’t eat this or that? Vegan, vegetarian, Keto, gluten, or dairy free? No problem – we’re happy to accommodate any of your food preferences.

Our Journey into Restoration & Mindfulness

Daniel Gutierrez

The Philosophers Camp is a 4-night, 5-day immersion for those who love adventure, play, deep exploration, and transformation. This camp features the teachings and stories from Daniel's new international best-seller, Radical Mindfulness

This is Daniel's only sacred journey in the United States for 2019! 

Only 3 more spots are available and will be filled on a first-registered, first-secured basis. 

Beginning: Release & Restore

Sitting under the moon in, you turn toward the fire, feeling heat floating toward you. You feel heat within you. Your heart’s desire? Freedom, happiness, peace, power… You know it’s time for a major breakthrough with every cell in your being.  

But how do you move past the situations in your life that challenge you? How do you release limiting thoughts in your mind, or old, stuck emotions in your heart? How do you stay radically present to love and joy when life is bombarding you day in and day out?

Daniel and Christine will guide and support you. Calling on decades of experience and wisdom that has been passed down for generations, you will find release and peace as you sink into the restorative power of this land and accept the loving guidance and care offered you. 

Voyage: Go Explore

Trekking up a trail that gently winds upward, you stop over and over to take in the scents, the early morning sun, the buzzing bees, and the vistas. 

You join the group, and in hushed silence, take in the wonder before you. The High Peaks. The majesty. The expansion. The layers of mountains. The layers of you. 

It is here that many hear drums and voices from times past. The soil beneath your feet hums with a song beyond sound. Guided into a deep state, you meet the One who has been patiently waiting for you. 

With super awareness, you take in the awe of your surroundings, from the sweep of the trees to the tiniest spider webs. You explore the land and realize you are exloring the landscape of your heart. Your small self dissipates and you become present in a way you did not think possible. You know in your bones that all you are, all you ever need, is already within you. 

Return: Step into Power 

As the days deepen in ceremony, sacred conversation, private and shared discoveries, rest and rejuvenation, you sense the master within — the powerful being who creates confidently and creatively. 

You build upon foundations, anchor new insights, feel your strength, and uncover wisdom. It's time to commit to taking action when you return home.  

In ceremony at one of the most profound places on the land (shhh, we cannot tell you!), we’ll raise the vibration of all humanity. Surrounded by the support of your new-found circle, we'll reflect and witness the growth and transformation in each other.

You'll pack your deepened connection to your awareness, clarity, and power, and journey home knowing you are part of a global community, confident you can create a life you truly desire, share a bigger message, and make a stronger impact with anyone you touch, anywhere on the planet.

Daniel Gutierrez
I am so in! 

Christine Powers & Dr. Lin Morel
Creative Time
Dinner Table

The Lasting Impact

Compass Class
  • Build your "mindfulness muscle" to flow with life's peaks and valleys
  • Solidify your inner knowing and recognize your gifts so that you passionately pursue what’s in your heart
  • Create positive, trusting relationships
  • Emerge with a new fearlessness and capacity to speak up, holding your own no matter what surrounds you – from life’s challenges to tricky relationships 
  • Understand what "is yours to do" and acquire tools to stay in alignment with your purpose 
  • Know the next right action to take in your life and career 
  • Alchemize and expand your creativite capacity
  • Courageously meet each moment with freedom and conviction

Uncover what you already know.

Hike to The Lookout

The world needs our positive energy and presence now.

It’s time to come together and, through the power of our intent, actively uplift the entire planet.  

If you’ve been running nonstop and your body, mind, or soul are run down, then step outside your routine. Sink deep rejuvenation so you can return ready to be of service.  

Whether you need a break from the daily grind, know it’s time to reassess your direction in life, crave space to journal and dream, or feel you’re on the verge of a major breakthrough, give this time to yourself.

We’ll pool our energies and call in forces far greater than ourselves to create an experience exponentially more amazing than our minds can fathom

Say YES to join us. We need YOU to be there!

Philosophers Camp is totally for you if...

  • You understand that your presence alone has a big impact on our world.
  • You know you have a bigger message to share.
  • You deeply care about helping people and making the world a better place. 
  • You are open to all spiritual traditions and believe in honoring Mother Earth.
  • You are ready to delve into the mystery of who you are and return to your world a changed person.
  • It’s time to sync up your life with your soul. 
  • You’re okay with being vulnerable within a sacred cirle. 
  • You’re both excited and nervous about this trip.
Camper hiking
2 Campers sharing a laugh

Philosophers Camp is NOT for you if...

  • You aren’t willing to take a leap of faith. 
  • You don’t want to do inner work and overcome limiting beliefs. 
  • You’re attached to blaming outside circumstances for your happiness and success. 
  • You enjoy making excuses, being negative or defensive. 
  • You take more than you give. 
  • Adventure, personal growth and major breakthroughs bore you. 
  • You don't know how to dance between the sacred and the profane (or aren't open to learning how).
  • You aren’t willing to laugh, cry, hug – and get a little dusty, dirty, and maybe even skin a knee.

The Bonuses!

Daniel & Christine are so excited about this trip, you'll also receive:

  • A copy of Daniel's new book, signed by Daniel just for you while at Camp.
  • A Discovery Call – 20 minutes with Daniel & Christine so they can get to know you and learn how to best support you on your journey.
  • Access to private Facebook group – we will connect pre-trip (you can ask questions and receive up-to-date trip info) and stay connected post-trip (and, of course, swap photos). 
  • Pre-Camp Call – Daniel & Christine will activate the sacred energies for this journey, you’ll have the chance to meet everyone, you can share your intent, and learn how to best prepare.
  • Special bonus! During Camp, meet with Daniel and Christine separately to experience whatever it is you need: a walk in the woods, sitting in meditation together, clarifying discussion, flute blessing, crystal bowl healing...
  • 60-minute private body massage with our Team Masseuse. 
  • Post-Camp Call – we’ll gather to further integrate your learnings once back home.

What's Included

  • Teachings; guided meditations, crystal bowls, shamanic journeys; sacred ceremonies; campfire councils; and plenty of quiet time.
  • Hospitality-filled accommodations (single or multi-occupancy; a few upgrades to single available)
  • All meals and snacks from Thursday dinner until our celebration brunch on Monday.  
  • Despacho ceremony conducted by Daniel.
  • Safety instruction and ongoing guidance from New York State licensed wilderness guide.
  • Personal safety kits, flashlights, headlamps, and other gear.
  • Transportation from Albany International Airport and designated hotel August 22 and to airport on August 26 (designated times only!)  
  • Commemorative video from our journey together.  
Adirondack Chairs
Sunset from New Glampshire

What's Not Included

  • Your round-trip airfare.
  • Souvenir shopping and costs incurred while traveling.
  • Taxis, Lyft, Uber outside of our designated transportation times.
  • Laundry and daily maid service.
  • Tips for our chefs.
  • Personal, medical, or trip cancellation insurance. 
Yes, Daniel & Christine, I am going with you!

 Payment Options

Option 1: Pay in full upon registering and enjoy a $1000 discount! $2,995

Option 2: Payment Plan: $500 deposit and 5 equal payments of $579. Must be paid in full 45 days before Camp begins. Save $600! $3,395

Option 3 $500 deposit with $3495 due 45 days before Camp begins. $3,995

Join the Interest List

Sign up for a free call offered over the next few weeks and get insiders' information about this trip!

Your Philosophers Camp Team

Daniel Gutierrez

Daniel Gutierrez

Co-Facilitator, Shaman, Master of Mindfulness

To get to the highest tops, one must explore the deepest depths. Nobody knows that better than Daniel Gutierrez.  

Once a high-powered executive and in-demand consultant who graced the covers of Latin Business, Cypen and Color Magazines, Daniel realized that there was more to success than a 7-figure earning potential. As President of PRIMER, a prestigious national leadership organization, and an advisor to the Department of White House Personnel for the Obama Administration, Daniel was a highly regarded and deeply revered leader. Though Daniel was listed as one of the “Top 100 Hispanics in America” along extraordinary individuals such as Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, actor Edward James Olmos and CNN’s Soledad O’Brien, something was still missing.  

Daniel clearly mastered the outer game. But his intuition told him that to feel fulfilled, he must also master the inner game.  

To everyone’s surprise, Daniel dared to leave it all behind and dedicate the next chapter of his life to becoming a Master of Mindfulness. During the past 10 years, Daniel has led nearly 30 quests to the heights of the Machu Picchu, the depths of the Amazon and the top of the Himalayas. He has been guiding entrepreneurs and corporate executives in deep dive mindfulness immersions. Though mindfulness is a lifelong practice, Daniel has become known for giving life-altering strategies in as little as 60 seconds.  

A beloved mentor and sought-after motivational speaker, Daniel was featured in the documentary Luminous World Views as one of eighteen world-renowned thought leaders in the area of transformation and leadership.  

In November 2018, Daniel appeared as a special guest for renowned teacher, Michel Pascal on one of the biggest stages in the world, Carnegie Hall in New York City. He addressed a sold-out crowd with musical support from Earth Wind and Fire, Madonna and Michael Jackson’s best musicians. He is an international bestselling author, including his newly released fifth book, Radical Mindfulness.  

Christine Powers snowmobiling

Christine Powers

Co-Facilitator, Soprano, Energy & Sound Healer, Founder of Philosophers Camp 

Christine Powers is an award-winning international soprano, spiritual teacher, and visionary who amplifies the amplifiers. Using all aspects of her voice, she empowers those "on the front lines of humanity’s consciousness," pulling us all forward into an uplifted world.  

Performing since age 7 when she played Frosty the Snowman in her school Christmas pageant, she was dubbed "Sarah Bernhardt" for her vivacious and dramatic presence. Christine went on to study theater and voice at Northwestern University and the University of Notre Dame. A life-changing event occurred in Warsaw, Poland at the Jewish Historical Institute where she sang Leonard Bernstein's "Kaddish" (Prayer for the Dead) for a sold-out audience that included Holocaust survivors. The connection made with those survivors consciously awoke within her the depth and power of her healing voice.  

Later, as her business career was sky-rocketing in fund development, marketing, communications and PR, having just received a prestigious award and appointed to national positions of responsibility for the American Red Cross, Christine was struck with a "Universal 2-by-4" thrusting her into the murkiest bottom of her being. She emerged into the sunlight knowing who she is and what is hers to do: Awaken. Activate. Nurture as many as possible so they can blossom into pillars of light for the planet. 

Known for weaving the eclectic into the sublime, Christine has touched tens of thousands through her music and meditations; workshops and retreats; energy and sound healing; inspirational talks; writings and other creative works. She is writing her first book on the Philosophers Compass, an "inner positioning system" that shows us how to beautiflly navigate life.

She mastered radical detachment through a catastrophic fire that burned all the material posessions her family owned, as well as two businesses. She is deeply in-tune with the natural cycles of death and rebirth, living in harmony with the forest around her, which is a constant reminder of this dance.

One of Christine's super powers is to "call people into congregation." In addition to founding the Philosophers Camp movement, Christine and her husband have built a "refuge for people" dedicated to healing, rejuvenation, creativity, and micro-momentary community in the Adirondack Mountains. Understanding the unique environment needed to do her life's work, she moved to a mountain community with 12 people per square mile in 2016, with her family by her side, after realizing that she could breathe for miles and expand her energy to fill that space. She stepped out of a cushioned suburban lifestyle and lives in a place where natural simplicity and wonder nourishes souls.  

Larry Powers

Larry Powers

Camp Concierge, Safety Officer & NYS Licensed Wilderness Guide

Michael Northrup

Michael Northrup

Camp Production Manager & former Emergency Medical Technician

Bob Morgan

Bob Morgan

Administrative Assistant & Volunteer Coordinator

Why the Adirondack Mountains?

Daniel extends the powerful Philosophers Camp experience to you as a member of his community. You understand the capacity that sacred lands have to bring enlightenment, healing, and power to those who walk hallowed grounds. 

The Adirondack Mountains were formed by glacier debris 5 millions years ago and are not an actual range; the Adirondacks are 100 mountains that make up a dome-like structure. Considered a "newborn," the mountains are still growing. The Adirondacks was one of the first areas in our nation to be awarded "forever wild" status and are still pristine and remote. Walked by the Algonquin going back over 1,000 years and the Mohawk of the Iroquois Confederacy, the mountains are infused with the powerful energies of untouched wilderness

In 1858, Transcendentalist Ralph Waldo Emerson and William Stillman led an expedition of 20 into the Adirondacks. These prophets, theologians, scientists, leaders, and guides journeyed into the wild to cross-pollinate ideas, share fellowship, restore their souls, and explore how they could uplift humanity.  

National news media dubbed this gathering the "Philosophers Camp."  

They intended to buy the land and return, but the Philosophers Camp never happened again, disrupted by the Civil War. Thirty years later, Stillman returned to find the site had been destroyed by tourists

Disullusioned, the Philosophers Camp fell into myth and never fulfilled its destiny. Until the Philosophers Camp was resurrected in a new paradigm by visionary Christine Powers.

Just miles from the original site, a modern-day Philosophers Camp is growing, re-imagined for our increasingly complex and acclerating society

You have the opportunity to step into this mythic energy, to stand on the work of masters who came before you.

Daniel was one of the first to come to this land and has experienced the healing power available for those with sacred intention. So moved by his experience, he is today an "Elder in Residence" for the Philosophers Camp.

The 100 acres where the Camp is held has been purified and magnified. It is a beacon of light. Shamans, energy healers, and spiritual leaders are drawn to this land and walk it with their "robes of light", awakening and installing palpable and accessible energies that support deep inner work. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do we get around? Walking! And, we have a four-person golf cart to assist as needed. We will be walking several places on the acreage and some accommodations are about .2 miles apart from our base camp, New Glampshire. 
  • Is it hilly? Uneven ground? This is a mountain setting with hills and inclines. There are dirt roads and trails to access locations where we gather. If you cannot navigate small inclines and uneven ground, this is probably not a good venue for you. 
  • What kind of shoes do I need? Sturdy walking shoes such as sneakers are fine. If you wish to go "off trail" or on some of the more challenging trails, hikers will be necessary. 
  • Do I need special equipment? No. Bring common items like a water bottle, sunscreen, ball cap, bug spray, casual clothes, rain gear, extra layers for chlly nights, etc. You will receive a letter detailing the list of items to bring.
  • What about bugs? Wildlife? Bears? Insects and ticks are part of everyday life. Please bring a DEET repellent (even if you spray on clothes only) in addition to regular/organic bug sprays. Bring long pants and long-sleeve shirts for hiking. Wildlife (beavers, deer, turkeys, etc.) is abundant, and you are lucky to see any! Black bears live in these forests, and we have not had any problems with them. Good "food hygiene" is essential to keep it that way, and our Safety Officer will instruct you on safety. 
  • What kind of food do you serve? We serve hearty, healthy, and delicious omnivore, vegetarian, and vegan selections. There will be ample snacks available and plenty of fluids! We discuss dietary needs with every camper.
  • How big will this group be? Participation is limited to 12 participants.
  • What are the personal care facilities available? Multiple shower locations with individual, private showers are available. Some require a short walk and some are outdoor. Private bathrooms and other options are available for bio needs. 
  • What time does program begin and end? We begin Thursday with Orientation at 4:00 pm. We conclude Monday at 1:00 pm. We will let you know ahead of time about the schedule and may offer optional early-morning activities such as meditation, specialty hikes, movement. Evenings run until about 8:30-9:00 pm. 
  • What time is check-in? Arrive any time after 1:00 pm on Thursday. This gives you time to check-in, unpack, visit and explore if you wish. 
  • What if I need to arrive or leave at different times? We understand you may be traveling a long distance. If you need to arrive earlier or leave later, please let us know and we do what we can to support your participation.